Everything I Need to Know I Learned at Oshkosh

This post comes to you under the “anything else that strikes my fancy” part of my blog mission.

Every year, we go to Oshkosh with a group of friends called the Metro Warbirds, and over the years, I’ve learned a few things.

  1. You have to be able to take a joke.
  2. Sometimes, you need to fly with your flaps down.
  3. When using the porta-potty, leave your phone in the tent, wear shoes, and don’t look down.
  4. The difference between a good air mattress and a bad air mattress can be as small as a pinhole.
  5. If you want a cold one, you have to go deep.
  6. Never underestimate the importance of sunscreen.
  7. Or bug spray.
  8. Or a hat.
  9. To fit in, pitch in.
  10. The most beautiful angels are blue.
  11. Glow sticks aren’t just for kids.
  12. A diamond formation has nothing to do with jewelry or geology.
  13. The clock of life is wound but once. Make every minute count.
  14. Life is good. Except when you’re sharing a cold drink with friends under the wing of an airplane. Then, it’s great.

Feel free to comment with whatย you’ve learned at Oshkosh. For inspiration, here’s a picture of an evening at camp.


Photo Credit: The Engineer

7 thoughts on “Everything I Need to Know I Learned at Oshkosh

  1. From my own experiences at OzSTOC motorbike rallies, I’d add:
    Take your own toilet paper and never, ever lend it. Take a battery-operated compressor โ€“ life is too short to use a foot pump. Abandon all pretence at having a hairstyle, bed-hair is here to stay. And finally, bacon is the best smell on earth… ๐Ÿ™‚
    From which you can probably conclude that Down Under motorbike rallies are not so very dissimilar from light aircraft rallies in your part of the world. Just with fewer angels.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Someone generally brings a generator, usually someone who drives in. And usually the TP is pretty well kept filled, though it’s always wise to check. Bed hair and bacon smell about the same. So, you’re pretty darned close!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m attending my very first OSH this year… camping in North 40. Very excited! One question… “If you want a cold one, you have to go deep”… what does this mean? Because, uh… beer. Cold. Need. ๐Ÿ˜‰


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